The Cyber Mantis

Originally this digital painting was going to be a normal mantis on top of a group of leaves. During the process, I thought it would be interesting if I do something Sci-fi about it and I created this… A sort of Cyber Mantis which is opening a space shuttle like a sardine can XD It took me a week, it was like beginning a journey without knowing where my way is going. I don’t have a set workflow yet and it’s like I’m creating randomly without following any steps. It’s like searching for my inner self, literally. I enjoyed it a lot by the way.

You can see the creation process here:

Dying Space Cube

Sci-fi is a genre that always fascinated me since I was little. I did this work as an experiment, to practice painting the space for the first time. I just wanted to see what will happen if I import a 3D model from Blender to Clipstudio. I did a ridiculous model, I know, but when I put it in the scene and I did all the work, the cube started to become a spacecraft, it was no longer a stupid 3D model XD

You can watch the creation process here:

A pebble in the ocean

I don’t even know what I’m starting right now. I have always created only and exclusively fanart illustrations and fan mangas. After several years I decided to give a turn to my activity as an artist and I made this new nickname, Isarmony, trying to be as original as possible(my older nickname is Aeris1001). I’ve just started painting based on references to everyday life, like photos or portraits. I’m also trying to do some concept art. Used to making posters, comics, illustrations, and paintings as I’m trying to do now, I’m finding it a bit complicated, but not impossible. It’s like throwing a pebble in the ocean but…I’m trying to turn a hobby into work.I wish I could be good enough to work in a professional studio one day.

Dog Charlie

This is Charlie, the dog of my friend’s mother in law.It’s 5 years old ,I had the honor to know him yesterday, it’s a lovely and sweety dog, but when it comes to meet other dogs he’s a beast and funny to watch. Drawing darker figures is a little harder for me,It took me more time,because I can’t see well how I put the shadows and the lights XD

You can watch the creation process here:

The Cute MechaDragon

I was inspired by a childhood memory I completely forgot. I had a little toy that resembled a dragon, which was able to “eat” little plastic balls and bring them on its back. I don’t remember the name of that table game with colorful dragons. The maximum players were four and the dragon who ate the most little balls won.

I started my youtube channel today,in a very sad moment of my life. Drawing will surely the only thing that’s helping me go on everyday.

You can see the creation process here:

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